After a thirty minute complimentary phone conversation, if our services are a fit for you our team begins the assessment process.
From the information gathered in the assessment process, we will create a comprehensive plan of action based on each individual client's situation.
We offer two approaches to aging life care: a comprehensive care program and a proactive planner program.
We plan for weddings, babies, higher education and job training — and funerals.
But do we plan for aging?
Even if all is well, the experiences of friends, neighbors and family members can serve as incentive to consider the need for an adviser or advocate in the future. Establishing a relationship with Aging Life Care Charleston before one’s life situation changes dramatically can ease any difficulties that may arise. As we get to know our proactive planner clients, we become their trusted advocate, advising on long-term planning, acting as their liaison in estate, financial and home-care and health matters, and giving them the confidence that they will continue to build their own future.
Typically this program is for clients who do not need active care management, but want to plan for their future.
Aging Life Care Charleston Services
After our professional assessment, we hand pick the services that our client needs and provide a detailed plan of action.

Listed below are some specific examples of services we provide.
Creating a customized care plan including resources and next steps
Friendly social check in visits
Help navigating a planned or unplanned hospitalization
Help coordinating hospital discharges
Guidance on next steps for your aging loved one
One time resource consultation
Crisis Intervention
End of life discussions and planning
Dementia Caregiver Consultation
Home safety assessments
Nurse home visits for health checks and medication management
Screen, arrange and monitor in-home care such as home health, hospice and respite care
Serve as an adviser to your Health Care Agent
Monitoring visits to rehab and short term stay communities
Monitoring visits to assisted living and long term care communities
Attending medical appointments as advocate and liaison
Coordinate referrals to community resources including educational programs, support groups, scholarships, grants and matching funds programs
Offer referrals to financial, legal or medical specialist we trust in the community
Assist with or manage bill pay or money management tasks as needed
Assist with insurance and other business matters including managing mail
Cost effectiveness analysis for future long term care planning