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This is how we help!

My loved one is struggling and I do not know how to help or what to do!

Just give us a call!  We can use our experience and expertise to evaluate the situation and help you come up with a plan.  Don't reinvent the wheel, let our years of experience and knowledge help you.  We are happy to offer guidance and resources in the community and in certain cases offer one time consultations.    

My parents are struggling at home and I want them to explore retirement communities. 

Watching you parent(s) struggle is hard and we are here to guide you through the process.  First we will evaluate your parent's current situation.  This will include recommendations for making them safer in their home before the transition and an evaluation of possible retirement communities that would be a fit for your parents.  We would also prepare a cost analysis and effectiveness for possible long term care communities.  We can also help with the transition by offering resources for downsizing and moving and guidance to make the process as smooth as possible.  Once the move occurs we can also assist in getting our clients settled in their new day to day life. 

My aging neighbor is overwhelmed by caring for his spouse.

We are often called when one spouse is overwhelmed or if an individual living by themselves is having an increasingly hard time managing daily life.  We can act as liaisons for families or friends who may not be local and offer many services that may help in this situation.  We coordinate referrals to community resources, accompany an individual to a medical appointment or offer friendly visits.  We have a wide array of solutions depending on the situation and individual.  

My aging mom is increasingly overwhelmed by her mail and bills.  

We can assist with or manage bill pay or money management tasks as needed.  We can also help with insurance and other business matters including managing mail.  We offer customized solutions based on our client's needs. 

I do not have any family locally and would like to have a plan for aging.  

We can also help make sure you have the proper financial, legal or medical documentation in place and offer referrals to specialists we trust in the community.  Additionally, we can coordinate a planning team which may include your health care providers, CPA, attorney, trust office and insurance agent so you have the proper support in place as you age.    

After caring for an older spouse or aging parent, I have realized the importance of an advocate.  

If you've been in the position of managing care for a loved one you are likely wondering who will do the same for you down the road.  We can establish a relationship with you ahead of a need so we are prepared to be your advocate in the future.  

My parents are in a crisis and I need help.

Whether your parents didn't make a plan for aging or an unexpected event has suddenly caused you and your family to become overwhelmed we can help.  Give us a call and we can assess the situation and present solutions to get the proper support in place.  

I want to support my parents from afar, but I have a job and family responsibilities. 

If you find yourself feeling like you want to be present more for you parents, but distance and other obligations are a barrier, we can help as the boots on the ground to support your family.  

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